#springflingkidlit contest 2022

The contest: 150 word max to describe a Spring themed GIF of your choosing.


Little Zombie’s First Spriiiiiiing

Little Zombie had just risen when he noticed the weather had changed.

“Whaaaaaaaaaaat?” He moaned to Mommy, pointing outside. 

“Spriiiiiiiiing,” Mommy growled.

“Spriiiiiiiiing?” he wondered.

“Coooooooome,” Mommy wailed, taking Little Zombie by the hand.

Outside, Mommy showed Little Zombie a flower.

“Smeeeeeeeeeeell,” she said. Little Zombie smelled the flower.

“Niiiiiiice,” Little Zombie grumbled.

Something flew by his head, frightening him. He hid behind Mommy.

“Okaaaaaaaay,” Mommy reassured, pointing at a tiny bug, “Just beeeeee. Beeeeee help flowerrrr.”

“Buuuuuuuuuuuuz,” murmured Little Zombie, imitating the bee.

The clouds crackled. Little Zombie squeezed Mommy’s hand.

“Thuuuuuuuuuuunder,” Mommy muttered. “Scaaaaaaaary, but goooooood.”

“Goooooood?” he questioned.

“Rain make neeeeeew flowerrrr groooooooow.” she explained. 

“Ohhhhhhh,” he said, opening his mouth, drinking the rain. “Goooooood.” 

As they walked, Little Zombie delighted in the newness of spring. The flowers, the bugs, the rain.

“Spriiiiiiiiing is goooooood,” he groaned. 

“Yeeeeeeees,” Mommy said, “Spriiiiiiiiing is neeeeew life. Life is wooooooonderful.”


Little Robot and The Bouncing Ball


#50preciouswords entry